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Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

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The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
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Randon Entries:

Good ness I feel so low.........I killed an animal....with my car

TIME: 12:40 a.m.

DATE: Saturday, Feb. 01, 2003

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts: Quote: "This stinks. I don't even remember what I did to it. Good nesss gracious"
Last Year's Entry Link:


Before I forget, check out maeve-arie. She is one of the sweetest ones around. I love her diary and she as a great taste in music. Thanks so much for your joke and for your note. Really and truly, I love notes and jokes go a little up there, even if it is corney....Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.....Reminder to myself: need to put her down on my diary page on to check out....Note to self: already did. OKay I am weird. Answering myself. I even do that outloud and that even makes my self laugh too much..... .Well today was a good day at first. I started off waking up with my stinkin alarm. That wasn't good. What the crap? I didn't need it. Then I got ready and started to clean and dusted parts of my room that is hard to get anyways and I was being very productive and happy. Then I got ready to go to work. Well I did other things but nothing to quote about. I was happy especially when I didn't get into one of those sneezing attacks. THose can be deadly.

I got to work and well guess what folks? I got not only 4 hours today but my hours remain Saturday and I got FIVE, repeat FIVE hours on Sunday and maybe a couple of hours in on MOnday....What? I went back up the scale. I don't want to give out the count. I am afraid to count them up and expect that especially on Sunday where it is so unpredicatble. I don't want to jinx myself. I will tell you MOnday what I am going to get and should I be worried about Car Insurance. But still What gives? It still makes me wonder if a one of the job places where I put my application in called them up. I wouldn't think I would be out of the blue he gives me so much. So It makes me wonder.....

I got to work today and the whole time. I come home and I was driving in the dark and and all of a sudden a possium came out so slow out in the road way. I couldn't get out of the way and I hit him. I cried and cried and I went back to see if....I don't know what I went back to see......I mean I wasn't going to jump up for joy. I couldn't give him cpr.....I hit him...I felt it on my wheel. It was hitting a bump.....I know I hit him.....I went back and his feet were up in the air and he was still going and of course I still cry and I had to turn around to go back at home. SO I did that and I kept saying Please let him died fast so fast that when I come back I don't want him to move and when I did come back, he wasn't moving. I keep saying to myself that there are bunches of possium and that at least it wasn't a pet for a kid. It still doesn' make my heart feel better. SO I go home and I told my dad about the story. Instead of him saying stuff like OH that is just a possium or stuff like that he say that he was sorry to hear that and he knows that it hurt me a lot. Wow thanks Dad.

Then he told me the story about his truck. He finally got his beautiful truck yesterday and well today he was at Subway and they walk out and found out that a guy back up and hit the truck. Yep A day after my dad got it. Two great news: first, my dad didn't see the accident. INstead of running away From the accident. This guy could have but he didn't. He called the police and everything. By the time, my dad went out there, the police were already there. Now that is a great honest guy. A rarity. He is a firefighter and that is good to hear that. Second good news. It is not in the same spot as the other places of my dad's truck (unlike my older and first car) and it is not really bad. Just a little bruise. So My dad is going to get it fix for sure. OH well. With my old car, my honda. No joke the right fender was the one that well got hit and I got it replace twice. First accident and it was the other drivers fault and then my dad hit my car with the Van and it was the same spot. He was backing up and just hit my car cus he forgot it. Third time, my fault accident. And well we didn't get it fix, too old of a car. But same spot............

Anyways that is how my day went. I still feel like crap so much that tomarrow when I go to work, I might go another way so I don't see my own thing I did.......I feel so awful.

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

1 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

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Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests