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Randon Entries:

ho hum life needs jokes.......

TIME: 10:40 p.m.

DATE: Wednesday, February 5, 2003

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
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LIfe right now is so boring and well just ho hum....So jokes are in order....

Yo Mama is so dumb, she thought Taco Bell was the phone company.

Yo' mama like a Big Mac -- full of fat and only worth a buck!

The only difference between your mama and a washing machine is, after you drop a load in the washing machine, it doesn't follow you around!

Yo' mama's lips so big, she can whisper in her own ear.

Yo' mama so dumb, she waited at a STOP sign until it said GO!

Yo mama's so big, fat and clumsy, when she tried to get to Wal-Mart, she stumbled over K-Mart and landed right on Target.

Your mama cooks so bad, your family prays after they eat!

What is the difference between yo' mama and a winding road? The winding road has curves you can get used to!

Yo' mama a saint...a St. Bernard!

Yo mama is so ugly that when she worked at the bakery they dipped her face in the batter to make animal cookies.

Yo' mama's breath stinks so bad, people look forward to her farts!

Yo mama's so dirty, plants grow off her ass.

Yo Mama's like the Pilsbury Doughboy. Everybody wants to poke her.

Yo' mama's lips so big, she doesn't use chapstick -- she uses Mop 'n' Glo!

Yo' mama so dumb, that the Psychic Friends only charge her half price to read her mind!

Yo' mama got such bad dandruff, the principal declared a snow day!

Yo mama is so disgusting that every time she bends over to tie her shoes, she's gotta fart!

Yo' mama so dumb, she failed a pregnancy test!

Yo mama's so dumb, she thought masturbation was a karate teacher.

Yo mama's so dumb she thought Subway made trains.

Yo' mama so dumb, she bought a solar powered flash light!

Yo mama's so dumb, she thought that the the International Dateline was a global dating service.

Yo mama's so dumb, she stuck the phone up her ass and thought she was makin' a booty call.

Yo Mama's so dumb, she went to a movie that said ''under 18 not admitted,'' so she left to go get 17 of her friends.

Yo mama is so dumb that she was on her way to the airport and saw a sign that said �airport left.� So she turned around and went home.

Yo mama is so dumb she stuck a battery up her butt and said, "I got energy!"

Yo mama's so dumb, she tried to drown her pet fish.

Yo' mama so dumb, when she filled out her job application and it said �sex,� she wrote �not lately.�

Yo mama is so dumb that she got locked in the bathroom and peed her pants.

Yo mama's so dumb, she thought menopause was a button on the VCR.

Yo mama so stupid, when you were born she saw the umbilical cord and said, �Hey it comes with cable!�

Yo' mama so fat, she has to make a long distance call to talk to herself!

Yo' mama so fat, when she needs to wipe her butt, she sends out a search party!

Yo' mama so fat, all the restaurants have signs that say "Max. Occupancy 240 OR Yo' Mama."

Yo' mama so fat, she can stand over the homeless and give them a home!

Yo' mama so fat, she has an echo in her belly button!

Yo' mama so fat, she has to use a telephone pole as a tampon!

Yo' mama so fat, the president declared her the 51st state!

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

0 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

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Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests