How to contact ME!!!!
Transmittion coming thru!

My scrap NOTE book

MY crafty guestbook

This cool place called Diaryland

Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

Fun Stuff to have:

The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
* Diaryland: Don�t have a diary, get one, they are fun
*****HTML HELP��.
*HTML Tutorial: One of the best and easiest
Color Guide: One of the best
* HTML Cheatsheet: Great way to look it up

*****Fun Junk
* Pig Latin meets with Refrigerator magnets online



Randon Entries:


TIME: 7:27 p.m.

DATE: Tuesday, Jul. 27, 2004

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
Last Year's Entry Link:


Today has been one of those days...Good or bad it has been one of those days. Sometimes I get a little balloon in my head and my ego inflates and then other times my balloon pops and I fall on my face and boy that hurts.

Other then that, I am doing great. My sister, Jenifer is coming here for a visit and I am going to be off for the WHOLE week next week...WOOHOO to that. And WOOHOO to a nice housewarming party. I am so glad to have such wonderful friends. THey are so great. They want to get me something to help me out with my apartment. I just can't wait to show it off. It is not the wow wee apartment but it is mine and I just love it. It needs to have a cat or a kitten to make it more of a home but I am content at me being by myself. I don't get much of a I am lonely part except there are some parts of the time. The strange thing is that is that I don't get the feeling of I miss tv as much. I even sometimes miss the fact that I don't have tv. Most of the time I just chill and listen to music.

Well Back to work I go....A little kinda crazy but I am up for the challenge! RAINBOW
Rainbow: You have a chameleon aura. You know how
to adapt to your environment. You are usually
happy and few things in your life can change
this, at least not for very long. You love
life and all the challenges it has to offer
you. You are quite the enigma to other people,
but think you are really quite simple. You
could care less about money or material things
and, in fact, think they get in the way of
happiness. You sometimes suffer from insomnia. Secret emotion: Confusion and Passion

What color is your aura?
brought to you by Quizilla My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are going to marry Ashton Kutcher. He is kind
and sweet, but pulls a lot of pranks (and
probably quite a few on you too!!)and can
always make you laugh. Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!)
brought to you by Quizilla Pink info
Your Heart is Pink

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

1 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

Site Meter

Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests