How to contact ME!!!!
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My scrap NOTE book

MY crafty guestbook

This cool place called Diaryland

Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

Fun Stuff to have:

The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
* Diaryland: Don�t have a diary, get one, they are fun
*****HTML HELP��.
*HTML Tutorial: One of the best and easiest
Color Guide: One of the best
* HTML Cheatsheet: Great way to look it up

*****Fun Junk
* Pig Latin meets with Refrigerator magnets online



Randon Entries:

Extremely long entry..............first about my day.................the rest are about the diaries that I love...........I left out some, if I did and left you a note.....sorry did I mention I have holes in my memory....still love you

TIME: 10:57 p.m.

DATE: 2002-01-04

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
Last Year's Entry Link:


It is not a bird and not a plan it is me, shorty cLauren. I am finally going to write the best diaries out there. Before I do that I will talk to you about my day.

Starting with work and this is not going to be long. I went to work at 1:00 PM (wish I went in earlier, need money for car payment) Anyways, I was doing fine. Doing my job and then this Boss(she is not really my boss but thinks she is) asks me for my hours. Okay It is a couple days earlier since I put them in MOnday. But I gave them to her and then she put on the desk (my boss's desk (in a vanilla envelope) Payroll so my boss (Jennifer is not my boss either but she gives me the work) to finish payroll. Jennifer wasn't in today so I sit at her desk and work on her computer. I was wondering why did Linda (the one that thinks she is my boss) put the payroll in the envelope. You know what happen? curiosity kills the cat and nearly kill me. LInda leaves early. There are still three other people in the office. (Thank goodness in their own private offices) I got the envelope and realize that not only she put scotch tape on it but she sealed with the adhesive. I know how to take care of those envelopes and then not know that I took a peek. I knew that Linda didn't want me to see this. So yes I looked in to see. And there is this little post it note that says the following," Colleen has given me her hours see if her hours are correct." Ha I knew that she didn't trust me. She is full of crap ola. She is and she is a B)tch. Truth Truth. I can't stand that woman. SHe had the nerve to put that in Jennifer's box and everything. Well LInda, Hello, I was given that I work 20 hours per week. Excuse me. I only work 26 hours you salary crap of crap. I have a car and a loan payment. And Yes Yes Yes, my hours are down right. Ding dongs is you. enough of me bickering. Because I know that Jennifer won't say anything different about my hours. SHe knows that it is correct. She is very fair and that is why I am really relax. True True. Sometimes when I really think about it far enough, I get a little hostile.

When I found out about Diaryland, it was through Becky. She is cool beans. And her diary kicks some butt. SHe has a great background with bubbles. It is beautiful and it is done by poodesign. If you need an layout the mighty poo is one of the best ones out there besides Lexdesigns.

After Becky showed me around Diaryland. I wanted to see the different neighbors, to see the different designs and the different writers. I was very curious. SO that is what I did. First I look at the people that I know. And here they are poppacasey, dazy81, and addicted2ski. Poppacasey is a kick butt writer and he is wonderful. I enjoy reading his realities of writing. He writes about what I think alot of the time. Dazy81 is the same way. This is Becky. See the cool layout. Then there is addicted2ski. Matt, Trendy musings, is something I ready constantly. Matt is a terrific writer and a wonderful person. There is a picture of him in one of his older diaries. Need to take a look at Matt. He is wonderful. His layout is wonderful as well. I love the background picture. He has done a terrific job with his diary and with a lot of faithful followers, it shows. I am one of those. He is so wonderul that I have a diary page just for him.

But it isn't enough. I desided to read other diaries so I went to my profile to see about diaries that I have something in common like favorite bands, movies, etc. And I look into their diary and if I like something or enjoy reading their diary, I let them know. If someone does something good, let them know. Say something honest and good is the most easiet things in life but its echos would last for a long time. We all like a pat on the back including me.

One of my best picks for best diaries is Punkassbitch. Her is terrific. Love the layout. Great Gwen of No doubt picture. Everytime you press the mouse button, hearts starts flying out and that my friend is the coolest thing I ever seen. She has 5231 people that have visited her diary. That is cool beans. You go girl.

From punkassbitch I found MandyPandy83. Hers is just as great. I love hers. Supergirl, even as a disclamer. Her writings are superb. I understand everything she writes. This girl has a section just for diaries that reads daily. I wish I was part of that great elite. She has her sections parted up for her fans, more about her, etc. It is cool beans. It is Amazing. By the way Mandy, If I could girl, I would like to buy you a gold membership but I can't afford mine. We need to put out a pot, please work for gold membership!! HA HA HA. Both of these love No doubt. Another band that I love is Dave Matthews Band and that is where I found Che1sea. You go girl with that new layout. That stain glass effect is wonderful. I think you should keep it. Nobody has that layout. This girl is great and her writings show. I am so proud of you. I know that you said that you didn't know anything about Html but you did a wonderful job.

Another diary writer who loves DMB is silentyears. But I really love this girls writing. It is so funny. And I don't think she means to be that way but her natural sense of humor is out there. Sometimes she has very little entries but those my friends are the best. Sometimes a big impact is from not a lot of words. Also great background picure. By the way, congratulations on your counter. Proud of you too.

Musicaddict is a great writer. We both love music so it it is all good. I am a music addict too. I love the fact that she would take part of a song and quote it to her diary entry. that kicks butt with uniqueness. I love that. I read all the older ones because of that and because of the great writing.

Another thing that I look up was Harry Potter fans and there are many. We don't have to be little to love Harry Potter. One of them is Syke-blue.

HEr is great. Most of the color is white and very clean. HEr writing is great. Like reading her entries. This girl took alot of time in her diary. SHe has the guestbook look amazing and she even has a section for dreams, random thoughts and main characters. That is amazing.

Then there is Foolishbeat. I knew from that user name that it is a Debbie Gibson fan. He is one great writer. I love the fact that he used his favorite singer pictures on his diary. Very unique. Nick, listen I still think you are great. Nothiing wrong with what you like.

Dreamer 2011 is a Harry Potter fan. A great writer. Just started out with a great start and going to be a great diary writer. Need to read her entries. By the way, have fun with the movie and popcorn.

ANohter person that loves Harry potter(The movie) is Shineystars. Great background with stars falling down with her green writings. And a great cartoon. It is great. Also great writer.

My favorite all time movie is "LIfe is Beautiful" And it is also Smarkymarkey. Cool user name there. And her is great. I love the cartoon drawing. It reminds me of mine except Smarkymarkey is wonderful. And I read this diary almost every other day. great writing.

And there is wasian4 and I still don't know who I found out about his diary. I love a guy that puts his own diary as a favorite. People always say you need to clap at your own accomplishments. Well I do. If you clap the world would clap with you. Right. I think so and that is great. He is one terrific writer. I go to his diary that much to see what he wrote today. Another natural funny person. My favorite entry is bye bye cash because that is what I feel like after payday. Pub-getaway is a great diary. I love the fact taht she used her username as a cursor and it goes with you wherever you go. Neat and unique. Love the writings.

These are my favorite diaries. Hope you get to read half of them. They are terrific. There are some other good ones out there.

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

0 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

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Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests