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My scrap NOTE book

MY crafty guestbook

This cool place called Diaryland

Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

Fun Stuff to have:

The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
* Diaryland: Don�t have a diary, get one, they are fun
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*HTML Tutorial: One of the best and easiest
Color Guide: One of the best
* HTML Cheatsheet: Great way to look it up

*****Fun Junk
* Pig Latin meets with Refrigerator magnets online



Randon Entries:

Two weekend notice in effect..............

TIME: 1:39 p.m.

DATE: Friday, Feb. 21, 2003

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
Last Year's Entry Link:


First I want to thank mangofarmer for your beautiful comment. You are so sweet. Yes I got a better but diverse job. I am going from yanking kids and fixing games to being in a cubicle and having a headset with a computer. SO surreal. Just don't know what to make of that. I am happy that I got it but I am scared of it because it is a change. A CHANGE> for me.

I had to tell John this morning about it because I don't get much of a notice for him since next Monday I am going to start training and he was happy. Then the second bombshell. I am still sick and I couldn't work all those hours today since well I had to take the rest of the paperwork in this morning 8:30 this morning which meant I was up at 7:00 and it was not good. I would have work until 8:00. Yes 7:00 this morning until 8:00 and me being sick is not a good idea. At the same time I didn't want to leave like that. And so the agreement was I went into work late since they really didnt' need me at that time......Thank you JOhn and that is how it is going down. And I did put my two weekend notice in since well I can't work the week due to training....

Down with dookeyville and hello ummmmmm What should I call this place.....Hello cubicle center...........that is it from me. I am feeling better then yeterday but I am still tired.....and sick......

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

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Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

Site Meter

Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests