How to contact ME!!!!
Transmittion coming thru!

My scrap NOTE book

MY crafty guestbook

This cool place called Diaryland

Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

Fun Stuff to have:

The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
* Diaryland: Don�t have a diary, get one, they are fun
*****HTML HELP��.
*HTML Tutorial: One of the best and easiest
Color Guide: One of the best
* HTML Cheatsheet: Great way to look it up

*****Fun Junk
* Pig Latin meets with Refrigerator magnets online



Randon Entries:

Okay I think it is a Monday..

TIME: 10:10 a.m.

DATE: Monday, Mar. 22, 2004

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
Last Year's Entry Link:


Today just represents so far my whole life. My alarm clocks wakes up but instead I just lay back down and daydream for some time until I woke up and got ready and made the bed and just chill and listen music...

After 30 minutes of just sitting there and listening to music, I finally decided to maybe I need to go to work and take care of some overtime but instead I am at work and just checking out the internet. I am motivated to do it and I do have to power of to do it but gosh goodness there are so many wonderful other options that just seems so wonderful...

I probably would start early but not as early as I was wanting to start.

IN other news, my sister, Jenifer and my niece, Samantha are suppose to be home from their cruise. Goodness, that just sounds so lovely. And I am glad that they got the chance to go. At the same time, that would be a hard transaction to take care of. From being in the sun and just chilling to work work work.....I know that they made that transition well with the exception of the cold air. They went to the hot Virgin Islands back to the cold cold cold Ohio skies. I know it must be cold because it is cold here....Goodness

This weather is def. crazy. Tempermental MOther nature....Mother Nature is more mental then Temper. Huge mental problems.

Well I better get started in my homework and then hi ho hi ho it is off to work I go.....

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

0 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:

Site Meter

Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests