How to contact ME!!!!
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My scrap NOTE book

MY crafty guestbook

This cool place called Diaryland

Bits and Pieces: Edition one through six

Fun Stuff to have:

The internet is feeling: The current mood of the Internet at *****Diary Info:
* Diaryland: Don�t have a diary, get one, they are fun
*****HTML HELP��.
*HTML Tutorial: One of the best and easiest
Color Guide: One of the best
* HTML Cheatsheet: Great way to look it up

*****Fun Junk
* Pig Latin meets with Refrigerator magnets online



Randon Entries:

Vacation time is splendid. Did you miss me? Nod you head up and down for my ego please!!!!!!

TIME: 11:01 p.m.

DATE: Monday, Jul. 29, 2002

I am feeling: <The current mood of at

One Year ago Today Quotes or thoughts:
Last Year's Entry Link:
Bed time


OH mY goodness gracious....

I haven't step into my diary for three days. Can you imagine that? And still people have been stopping by to check out my diary..

Did you miss me?

Nod your head up and down. And believe me I have been surprise good and bad.

I was home early yesterday but then there were bad stupid news and instead of me venting it out here at diaryland and to minimize my wonderful adventures in my vacation, I decided to do other avenues for that. And well it work for that moment in time.

But enough of that....Vacation time...But before vacation time.....I will tell you what led up to vacation time and through and through



I was working until it close. At last minute, the illogical person that John is, he decided to start moving stuff on the weekend when it closes at 10:00 pm instead of on the weekday when there is less people are there and it closes at 9:00.....Okay......So I help him out until the wee hours of 1:30 am......Hello....

Friday night suck so bad it was terrible........


At 7:00 am I was up and so not bright eye and bushing tale but I was up and (was already pack since Friday morning) and fed the fish next door (they were on vacation until that day). SO I was ready except for minor details. So we left an hour and half later with three people in the back seat and cram like sardines. I was glad that everybody wore deordorant. With Mrs. Rogers next to me and Dustin asking 3000 questions it became very crazy but I was glad for the funny moments and those wacky moments. When we got there. We went straight to Biltmore House. IT is known as the largest house in the United States. It was suppose to be made like a castle. Well the entrance there, I saw something that I couldn't believe my eyes and when I get the picture back, I will post it for you people to see. It is impossible. It is a really nice McDonalds. Okay so McDonalds was not rare but the rare is that it was stylish....I mean the golden arches were golden and not yellow. It was fix up fancy smacky.....I mean It is a place to put a tip at and they serve you at your table. I really and truly wanted to visit that place but we didn't have time. But I will show you it to believe it. This McDonalds can be next to the White house and fit in. I bet it has real art inside of it....Okay enough of that.

We went to get the tickets and there was this beautiful tree in front of it with these flowers upside down. Again when picture is out, me post it for you.....It was gorgeous. Then we decided to get something to eat. We went to one of the resturant that is in the Estate area and this place with a courtarea inside of it was beautiful and the food was exquisite. I mean I had to watch my extra table manners. There were two fork and every thing else kinda resturant. Good food.

Biltmore HOuse

Then we walk around and saw the beautiful house. Oh my goodness it was huge.....So huge.........Enormous. Oh My goodness...........

SO we went to get film for my camera and some batteries since I forgot to get them and you know me. At least I remember my head and my money. But My dad being the best dad in the whole wide world went in there and got the Film and the Batteries which he paid for and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

SO I was ready to go into this luxurious house. Huge. As we got there..Guess who we got to see. Amos Miller and his daughter, Amie. Amie is a classmate of mine who we graduated from high school. I was awhile since I saw her and her little one.....I mean i was since the little one was so a little baby boy and now a four year old boy well it was good to see this boy going to be cutie pie. I was so glad to see her. You never know who you might see. So we went into this house. Now this is the coolest part of this place. YOu can rents these headphones and you can walk around with them and it has a player where you can pick the room you are in (They give you the brochure that has the rooms in it) and you pick it and you can listen as your own tour guide explains the rooms. I swear that is the best thing on the face of this earth. Well I am glad that my dad and Barbara thought of that. Being a history and an art history person like I was....Seeing this place was def. good for me. Okay I admit I am a geek but this shows it 100% (Later I will show my cool side for a little bit)

Shopping time

I went into the place to get some stuff around. They had the neatest places to shop so I went into it and I got some good stuff. I got my grandma in Ohio some playing cards with Biltmore house on it and I got some postcards and bookmarks and some other little stuff. Then of course I took care of my sweet tooth by going to the little shop and getting some good stuff. OHhhhhhh yummmmm

Garden Time

After that and relaxing, we went to see the gardens and the flower that are in the green house and then I was admiring the view and while I was doing that, I saw somebody wearing a UK Wildcat Calling on them. This is a long distance company at the University of Kentucky. I look up and oh my gosh......I almost cried and jump up and my heart just burst into the most happiness in a long time as I saw somebody who I haven't see in a while...Becky, Casey, Matt......I saw DAN ARNEMAN My former RA. He is such a sweet person and he saw me....No I didnt' take a picture of him and am still kick my butt on that. But I was so shock and hug him and I just so glad to see him........Dan is the man with the plan. NOw that was something that made this vacation fab.


We went back to the hotel and we got two rooms and it was, I think 30 minutes away from Biltmore house. Everything else was either too expensive or book up. We got two rooms. I was suppose to sleep in the room with my Step grandma (Mrs. Rogers) and believe me I wasn't thrilled. Well Thank goodness for this. Dustin knocked on the door and ask if he can switch with her and she said okay.......OHhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness such a relief off of my shoulders.

Then we went to eat.....And we went to Outback steak house. Good food....Yummmmm IF it was like the one in LExington, it would be. Well There was a 45 minute wait so we waited and waited and waited. Then Barbara went in after 50 minutes were up. Guess what? There would be another 50 minute wait. So we went next door to this one grill. And we waited until 30 minutes. Well Good food.......And then we went back to the hotel and that is when Dustin realize that he didn't have his cell phone.......OH my goodness crap on him........But to not to have him worried I tried to have us watch something that we dont' get to see and it would be funny.......Are you ready for this.......

Iron Chef on the Food network. This was the first sushi contest. And it was dub because the contestants were Japanese. I must commend on the dubbers and the translators that did it, they sound like Japenese.....It is not good when they dub actors that doesn't sound like the part. IT is like a English man talking and the translator is a hillbilly. Understand? Conpreto....Okay move on...But the funniest part is the delay in the translator talking. YOu can see mouth move but a couple of seconds later is the sound. Delay reaction and plus what is more funny is what the dub.........When the judges would say hmmmmmmm and yummmmmmm I thought those were universal language....INstead everything was dubb. NOw that is funny. I didn't know that the Japanese would say yahooooohmmmmmmmm and have it translated different.


We had to check out of hotel and the lost and found was closed at the Biltmore house so we couldn't do anything about Dustin's Phone.

We went to Knoxville to get Dustin a suit and get me some black shoes since my soles are shock as can be. I found my black shoes easier then the suit for Dustin so we went to the Mall and I was finally on my own to get some good stuff.

That was after we had lunch....

I went into FYE which is a music store. I was looking around and say the music vhs and say Korn "WHo then now" video and thought about getting that since I lost mine. So I got that and Found out that Deuce is out....Wow and sweet on that aspect. I was happy and thrilled and realize that it was in dvd as well. But what is amazing is that the dvd of Deuce has the "WHO Then NOw" stuff included......OH my goodness so instead of paying for two vhs tapes and paying 10 dollars more for that I just got the dvd......

And then I was going to end my treat by going to the cookie place and getting me some goodness and that is when I was drawn by the parents guidance and they found me before I got my goodities in..Shit on them, they can mess up such a great day at the mall. I didn't let that get to me. Stupid them....hehehhe. Anyways........

And we went home..........Sound boring..Nope.....There was enough stuff to do but not to overkill us..Great vacation...Scale of 1 - 10 being 10 best..........It was a 32....Why so high......Seeing Dan was made my whole month and more. And then I got the Korn DVD which later proved to be the best thing. Korn fans, if you haven't got it, you need to. Later I played with it for three hours.....

Okay Tomarrow I am going to tell you about part two.......

For Coming attraction

On the next shorty c.lauren's entry

1. Coming back proved to be coming back to hell hole.

2. Hell Hole central at work: got into trouble for doing a good dead.

3. Two people sign up for addict2sims.

4. People filled up my surveys

and the last hint.

5. A crap up schedule.

6. A surprise in my diary!!!!!!!! A good surprise

Until then I am going to bed and get ready for tomarrow. It is NOT Going to be a good day..........

Take a Step Backwards - Go ON Forward

0 Any cool comments about this wacky entry!

Picture, Quote, JOke, or crazy thing for today:
Personal Music LYrics "But I do know one thing, where you are is where I belong. After you is were I wanna be. DMB "W

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Backup Five Steps

I will be here tomorrow - Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005

Gosh I think I am able to breath - Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004

That is my relative, ziggy - Monday, Nov. 01, 2004

no bright eyes but always bushy tail - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

litte update from me.... - Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

Other Diaryrings are below!!!
Diaryrings part 3: Recent
Diaryrings: ME
Diaryrings: Interests